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:: When it rains... war still goes on
Posted On: September 24, 2009 By Apollo

The War Doesnt just end even in worst weather, in fact... some of the maps will have such weather conditions and they will influence visibility (not in this video) and anything else we can think of.

Also another big tank is show cased for its main ability even tho Nexus AI puts somewhat quick stop to its menace ;)

Plan was to be 3 parter but technical issues cut it short but enjoy regardless.

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:: Riddle is out and more...
Posted On: August 10, 2008 By Apollo
Posted Image

Hey all, RS is back with another update showcasing latest developments and additions and the riddle given earlier meant return of the Shredder and check video of it in YouTube

and then the first ever complete match game as Freedom League, comes in 4 video parts so enjoy.

Part 1

Part 2

Part 3

Part 4 finale

and finally I put up some pictures in this Thread at the forums

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:: the last Osiris special tactic (youtube vid)
Posted On: December 26, 2007 By Apollo
Namely, instead of just trying destroy enemy straight or shielding your own units, you can infest approaching enemy units with these organic mutations (nice tribute... )

infested units movement is hindered but firing is not as much but of course repair units can easily fix the infested units back to normal :thumbsupsmiley:

as for how does one get them, not by factories ;)

Youtube watchz0r

Anyway good even if a bit late christmas for everyone while we not see RS 2.0 in year 2007, 2008 is certain :ninja:

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:: Revelation and unveiling...
Posted On: December 19, 2007 By Apollo
Revelation and unveiling...

Posted Image

Of Freedom League's current 2.0 Logo as well the Youtube video showcasing 1 of the Osiris special units in action,
you thought Osiris heavy walker is weak on its own or their units as an army?
well, I give you the missing piece of that puzzle, Youtube video

Enjoy :crazed:

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:: FL promo (at youtube)
Posted On: December 4, 2007 By Apollo
Well, this was a test for the more eager RS fans to spot since late saturday but seems not many noticed it in my youtube space :sleep:

so without further talk, FL promo at youtube

and yes the cries for release are heard loud and clear, however gamemate's exit has forced me to "reassess my directives" so some major adaption to situation are in progression where intention is to release fully playable mod with placeholders where needed but hang back, next news update to showcase a few new units...

Of course any talented individuals are free to contact me for help offers in getting the art done quicker but either way my cause is set and mod will be released one way or another whatever that means in the end.

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